
Project maintained by blackbird806 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Student projects - Personal projects

Student Projects


A full featured game engine with editor, built with Qt, OpenGL, PhysX, Fmod, …
Features: C++ scripting with hotReload, lua scripting, 3D spatialized sound support, PBR rendering, particles systems, rigidbodies, project save, …

My work:
Full sound implementation with Fmod, sound widgets (sound mixer listenInEditor), Debug system (custom logger, exceptions, stacktrace, …),
work on general architecture (ecs, RHI, …), serialization, partial Lua Binding.

game screenShoot

game screenShoot

game screenShoot

game screenShoot

game screenShoot

Messy robbery

Messy robbery is a 4 players party game made with unity inspired by titles like moving out and overcooked.

My work: Character controller, grab / launch mechanic, dash, physics tweaking,debugging, various removed features.

Lambo’s tale

Lambo’s Tale is a 2D platformer made with Unity implementing Metroidvania mechanics. And procedural level generation.

My work: Full character controller, character skills, debugging.


A casual mobile game made with Unity.

My work:
Implementation of the capture feature, various other features (pet animals, favourite and eat features, …), debugging, …

Unity L-System tool


A 3D combat-based game with AI on Unreal Engine 4, mostly written in C++ and blueprint for UI and other small parts.

My work:
AI with Unreal Engine 4 behavior trees, player attack, UI.

Aether Ego

My work:
Work on field of views, Ghost controls / interactions, sound waves feature.


A 3D FPS on OpenGL, with custom physics / collisions.

My work:
Work on Full engine : Engine architecture, Rendering with OpenGL, custom math library, physics, obj loader, logger, …

All the projects above, are student projects made at Isart Digital.