About me

Hello there, I’m blackbird806, and I’m a game developer and programmer from France.
I program / make games since 2014 and today I’m student in video game programming in Paris.
I started programming in C++ which is now my favourite langage, but I also like C, assembly, lua, moonscript, Go and D.
I also love gamejams, I’ve made several games for the Ludum Dare (which is an awesome gamejam !).
My favourites games styles are sandbox, rpg, mmo and strategy, but I appreciate all kind of games.

The blog

Here you will find articles mostly on C++ and video game programming, but I may write on other subjects too. I created this blog in order to share my knowledge; In my learning experience I found that a lot of topics in game dev / programming are hard to find and that’s why I want to change this. Another motivation for this blog is for my own learning process because I think that teaching is a great way to understand.

“Ce que l’on conçoit bien s’énonce clairement” Nicolas Boileau, Art poétique, Chant I.


Feel free to contact me at blackbirdcry806@gmail.com.